More time to thousands of owners and managers of apartment buildings gives the Ministry of Development with a decision to extend the six-month deadline for the replacement of elevators in apartment buildings.
This gives stakeholders until June 30, 2025 to certify elevators instead of December 31, 2024 to demonstrate that the required standards for elevator safety and operation are met.
More specifically, Deputy Minister of Development Anna Mani Papadimitriou, in collaboration with Secretary General Vasiliki Loizou, proceeded with this decision, giving more time to settle the pending issues as there were objections to the ability of obligated parties to comply.
It should be noted that this decision temporarily suspends the fines of EUR 1 500 imposed on non-compliers.
However, even after the end of the extension, non-compliance will result in fines and significant financial penalties, such as:
A fine of EUR 1,500 for non-renewal or non-issuance of the lift certificate.
Fines from €15,000 to €60,000 in cases of tampering with seals or accidents due to unauthorised operation.
Fines from €6,000 to €9,000 for illegal electrification of a lift.
Compliance with the legal requirements is not only a legal obligation but also crucial for the safety of users.
The costs
It should be noted that upgrading and certifying a lift requires a significant expense, especially for older installations installed before 2005 that do not meet the necessary standards.
For example:
Upgrading an old elevator: The cost can range from 10,000 to 25,000 euros, depending on the age and condition of the lift, as well as the changes required (e.g. replacing the cabin, mechanism, adding safety systems).
Certification of the lift by an accredited body: Companies usually charge between €300 and €500 for initial certification, while renewal of the certificate costs around €150 to €300 every five years.
At the same time, another step to ensure the proper functioning of lift installations is the creation of the Lift Register, which is currently underway. As mentioned, it will facilitate the monitoring of compliance with the legislation.