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Changes to elevators in apartment buildings

Updated: Jun 27, 2024

And the changes to elevators in apartment buildings are officially state law

The regulation of the Ministry of Environment and Energy, which was submitted to the Parliament and went out for public consultation, has been the law of the state for some time, on the changes to the elevators in the apartment buildings, which puts an end to the disputes within the apartment buildings regarding the installation of an elevator.

The law provides that in legally existing buildings that do not have an elevator and at the time of their construction it was not mandatory to construct one, it is permitted, in derogation of the provisions herein and the special building conditions of the area, to construct an elevator or other mechanical means of covering height differences and of the access area to them, with the necessary condition that the Building Identity is drawn up or updated.

For preserved buildings and traditional settlements, the approval of the Council of Architecture is required.

Where the adaptation of the building is mandatory, if the construction of an elevator or other mechanical means of covering height differences and the access area to them is required, the construction of these is mandatory, without the consent of the majority of the co-owners at the expense of the obligee or obligees, according to derogation from any provision and regulation, including the Building Regulations.

If the adaptation of the building is not mandatory, the construction of an elevator is possible without the consent of the majority of the co-owners, with a decision of the Central Accessibility Committee issued after the request of the interested party, which is accompanied by a proven invitation to express opinions of the other co-owners to the Central Accessibility Committee.

Correspondingly, in legally existing residential buildings that do not ensure accessibility for people with disabilities and reduced mobility, it is allowed, in derogation of every provision and regulation, including the Apartment Building Regulation, to install a device (ramp or elevator) that ensures access to these people from the sidewalk in the external common areas, as well as in the other internal common areas of the ground floor and the other floors above and below it, as long as they live as owners or tenants in the above buildings, with the necessary condition of ensuring the safety of the users, drawing up or updating the Identity Building and the coverage of the construction costs by the persons concerned.

The installation of an elevator to cover height differences in favor of one floor is based on a technical study and in terms of dimensioning it follows the technical instructions for adapting existing buildings and infrastructures, while in terms of the installation, licensing and maintenance process, the corresponding ones regarding elevators apply and minutes of the General Assembly of the apartment building are required with a majority of 51% of all votes.

Extension of the lift registration deadline

It is recalled that by Joint Ministerial Decision No. 125021 published in Official Gazette 7388B /27.12.2023 and signed by the Deputy Ministers of Environment and Energy Development NIKOLAOS TAGARAS and Development ANNA MANI, the deadline for registration of installed elevators within which the owners or managers or their legal representatives are required to have completed the prescribed procedure for registering the installed elevators of their buildings, it is extended until December 31, 2024.

With article 52 of Law 4961/2022 (amendment of article 11A of law 3982/2011) a Unified Register of Elevators is established, under the supervision of the General Secretariat of Industry, which will be activated when the prescribed KYA is issued, in which all installed elevators will be registered , regardless of the year of their construction or installation at the request of the owner or manager or their legal representative.

Specifically, the following changes are made to article 11A of Law 3982/2011 (A' 143): a) a second paragraph is added to paragraph 1, b) a second paragraph is added to paragraph 2 and article 11A is formulated as follows:

"Article 11A

Unified Register of Elevators

1. A Unified Register of Elevators is established, under the supervision of the General Secretariat of Industry, in which all installed elevators are registered, regardless of the year of their construction or installation at the request of the owner or manager or their legal representative. To maintain the Unified Register of Elevators, chain array technology or other distributed ledger technology (D.K.K.) may be used.

2. By a joint decision of the Ministers of Development and Investments and Digital Governance, the method of compiling and maintaining the Register in question, the method of entering data with provision of obligations for all entities involved in the operation of the elevators, the time of commencement of its operation, the way of making it public, the way of entering the necessary supporting documents, the transfer of the data from the register of article 3 of no. house F.A./9.2/house 284 25/2008 of the joint decision of the Ministers of Economy and Finance and Environment, Spatial Planning and Public Works and the Deputy Minister of Development (B' 2604), the time of the latter's cessation of operations, as well as any other relevant issue. With a similar decision, the details of the use of the array chain technology or other distributed ledger technology (D.K.K.) for the maintenance of the above Registry and any other relevant detail may be determined.

3. Until the start of operation of the Unified Register of Elevators, paragraph 1 of article 3 of the no. house F.A./9.2/house 28425/2008 of joint ministerial decision, the registers of which are abolished from the time that will be defined in the joint decision of par. 2.

4. The technical support and/or management related to the operation, maintenance and upgrading of the Unified Register of Elevators may be assigned by decision of the competent body of the Ministry of Development and Investments to a legal entity of public or private law within the bodies of the General Government, who has relevant experience"

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